도전명상 | 이달의 태모님 말씀 - 개벽기에 억조창생을 살려 내자
하루는 태모님께서 공사를 보실 때 ‘억조창생’을 부르시며
“불쌍하다! 불쌍한 놈만 죽게 생겼다.” 하고 통곡하시더니
담뱃대를 좌우로 두르시며 “살려 내자!” 하시고
“사람이 없으면 천지도 공각(空殼)이요,
일월도 무용(無用)이라.” 하시니라.
Let Us Save the World’s People at the Time of Gaebyeok
One day as Taemonim was conducting a work of renewal, She called out, “The world’s people,” and then She wailed, crying, “How sorrowful! The unfortunate are fated to die.”
But then, waving Her tobacco pipe left and right, Taemonim exclaimed, “Let us save them!” and declared,
“Without humanity, heaven and earth would be empty shells, and the sun and moon would be useless.”
(Korean-English Dojeon 11:260:1~3)
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